why we exist

Who's behind UpWhiten?

Introducing the face of UpWhiten


I’m Anas,  

the creator and the heart and soul behind UpWhiten.

I’ve poured my time, energy, and, yes,

even some sleepless nights into perfecting

what I believe are the best professional teeth whitening solutions

that outperform even the most pricey treatments ($1500-$2000),

but at a fraction of the cost.


anas smile 2
Main Problem

The "Why" behind UpWhiten

No real solutions existed

The Problem:

In Canada, we’re often stuck with over-the-counter teeth whitening products at dentists

that are just as effective as run-of-the-mill whitening strips.

It’s frustrating, I know.

The Costly Alternative?

A costly trip to America where whitening treatments begin at $1500,

not counting your airfare and accommodation.

Plus, these treatments don’t take sensitivity into account

or provide guarantees on the specific shade of white.

The risk of ending up with a too white or not white enough smile always looms on the horizon.

Our Solution

How we fix Teeth Whitening

Only solution on the market

Our Solution:

I founded UpWhiten with a vision to erase these worries.

I aimed to provide noticeable results quickly and affordably, in the safest way possible.

We are the only providers of UltraWhite™, 100x Laser Light, PolarGuard™, & GumGuard™.

Not to mention all of the additional innovations our Research Centre created.

Our results are better than anyone else’s in the market.

Ready to make a change?

If you’ve been dreaming of a confident smile,

of being the star in your photos,

and finally breaking free from disappointed whitening attempts,

start with our eligibility quiz.

I believe your journey to a brighter smile begins here.

Feel a boost in confidence
0 %
Times Quicker than whitening strips
0 X
Times less sensitivity
0 X

*data collected over survey with 38 women and men between 19 and 48 years. After the first treatment

Here's $50 off your Booking!

TrustScore 4.8/5 | 57+ Reviews

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